Best Practices For Loading Data Into Snowflake
Before we process and chrunch data, it has to be loaded and it has to be loaded effectively and efficiently. This article talks about all the best practices for loading data into snowflake tables using copy command.
Data Loading Best Practice Introduction
Best Practices brings efficiencies and cost effectiveness if designed and followed approproately and that’s what this episide all about. This chapter focuses on different best practice or call it common or standard practice while loading data into snowflake tables by considering differrent scenarios.
Once you complete this video, you will be able to answer following questions
- How to load data using Snowsight?
- Snowsight data loading having any limitations?
- Can snowsight be used to load fast data so development activities can speed up?
- What is the role of file format - named or unnamed?
- What is the role of purge and force option when it comes to data loading practice? When to use and when not to use and alternatives
- Role of single large file vs small file when loading data into snowflake.
- Role of compression when loading data into snowflake?
- Role of partition folder when it comes to data loading into snowflake?
- Exact file name vs file pattern while loading data into snowflake using copy command.
- Warehous size while loading data into snowflake?
Sample Data Set
Here is the data set which is used in this guide.
SQL Scripts Used In This Video
Part-01 : Snowflake Data Loader
-- so will load customer data to a customer table
-- lets quickly create a customer
create or replace transient table customer_csv (
customer_pk number(38,0),
salutation varchar(10),
first_name varchar(20),
last_name varchar(30),
gender varchar(1),
marital_status varchar(1),
day_of_birth date,
birth_country varchar(60),
email_address varchar(50),
city_name varchar(60),
zip_code varchar(10),
country_name varchar(20),
gmt_timezone_offset number(10,2),
preferred_cust_flag boolean,
registration_time timestamp_ltz(9)
-- lets check the data.
select * from customer_csv;
Part-02: Named & Unnamed Stages
-- truncate the table before loading new files..
truncate table customer_csv;
-- use put command to load data to internal user stage
--list the stage
list @~/ch11/part_02;
-- create file formats
create or replace file format customer_csv_ff
type = 'csv'
compression = 'none'
field_delimiter = ','
skip_header = 1 ;
-- Approach-1: Named stage with file format name
copy into customer_csv from @~/ch11/part_02/03_1_customer_5_rows.csv
file_format = (format_name = 'customer_csv_ff');
-- lest reveiw data (1 to 5)
select * from customer_csv;
-- Approach-2: Unnamed file format and inline file format defined
copy into customer_csv from @~/ch11/part_02/03_2_customer_5_rows.csv
file_format = (type = csv);
-- revised inline file format
copy into customer_csv from @~/ch11/part_02/03_2_customer_5_rows.csv
file_format = (type = csv skip_header=1);
-- Approach-3 Picking the files from table stage directly and unnamed file format
copy into customer_csv
file_format = (type = csv);
-- lets check the data.
select * from customer_csv;
Part-03: Size Limit for Copy command
-- creating a table called customer_large
create or replace transient table customer_large (
customer_pk number(38,0),
salutation varchar(10),
first_name varchar(20),
last_name varchar(30),
gender varchar(1),
marital_status varchar(1),
day_of_birth date,
birth_country varchar(60),
email_address varchar(50),
city_name varchar(60),
zip_code varchar(10),
country_name varchar(20),
gmt_timezone_offset number(10,2),
preferred_cust_flag boolean,
registration_time timestamp_ltz(9)
-- file format..
create or replace file format csv_gz_ff
type = 'csv'
compression = 'gzip'
field_delimiter = ','
field_optionally_enclosed_by = '\042'
skip_header = 1 ;
-- list the files
list @~/ch05/customer/csv/500k;
use warehouse compute_wh;
-- copy command with 50Mb limit..
copy into customer_large
from @~/ch05/customer/csv/500k
file_format = csv_gz_ff
on_error = 'continue'
force = true
SIZE_LIMIT = 50000000 --50Mb
Part-04: Large File or Smaller Files
-- a large single customer data .. 164Mb.. uncompressed 500+mb
list @~/tmp/customer/large/;
-- customer_v1.. will be used to load data for a single file
create or replace transient table customer_v1 (
customer_pk number(38,0),
salutation varchar(10),
first_name varchar(20),
last_name varchar(30),
gender varchar(1),
marital_status varchar(1),
day_of_birth date,
birth_country varchar(60),
email_address varchar(50),
city_name varchar(60),
zip_code varchar(10),
country_name varchar(20),
gmt_timezone_offset number(10,2),
preferred_cust_flag boolean,
registration_time timestamp_ltz(9)
create or replace file format csv_gz_ff_v1
type = 'csv'
compression = 'gzip'
field_delimiter = ','
field_optionally_enclosed_by = '\042'
skip_header = 1;
-- les run the copy command
copy into customer_v1
from @~/tmp/customer/large/customer_very_big_530Mb.csv.gz
file_format = csv_gz_ff_v1
on_error = 'continue'
force = true;
-- same file chunked into small files (not partitioned yet)
list @~/tmp/customer/large_partition;
-- they will be loaded into customer_v2
create or replace transient table customer_v2 (
customer_pk number(38,0),
salutation varchar(10),
first_name varchar(20),
last_name varchar(30),
gender varchar(1),
marital_status varchar(1),
day_of_birth date,
birth_country varchar(60),
email_address varchar(50),
city_name varchar(60),
zip_code varchar(10),
country_name varchar(20),
gmt_timezone_offset number(10,2),
preferred_cust_flag boolean,
registration_time timestamp_ltz(9)
-- another file format.. where head is removed..
create or replace file format csv_gz_ff_v2
type = 'csv'
compression = 'gzip'
field_delimiter = ','
field_optionally_enclosed_by = '\042';
use warehouse compute_wh;
-- copy command
copy into customer_v2
from @~/tmp/customer/large_partition
file_format = csv_gz_ff_v2
on_error = 'continue'
force = true